Strings & Things have been supporting Music Venue Trust with charitable donations over the last few years.
Music Venue Trust (MVT) is a British charitable organisation that was founded in January 2014 to help protect, secure and improve grassroots music venues throughout the United Kingdom. One of the key reasons for the foundation of MVT was the closure of many music venues for a variety of financial and legal reasons in the period prior to its formation.
Strings & Things see grassroots music venues as fundamental to the health of the music industry as a whole. We naturally feel an affinity with live music venues and many of our staff play live in bands, as of course do many of our customers. We're extremely proud to be supporting MVT and to become an Associate Partner.
Strings & Things fundraise by organising regular free social events for our staff and any donations made are matched by the Company. Events held have included; tenpin bowling, pub quiz, a visit to The Crystal Maze and five-a-side football. Through the pandemic, although we've been unable to hold events, the Company and staff have continued to make contributions to MVT with direct donations, merchandise purchases and our 'Miles in May' exercise fundraiser.
Please help support Music Venue Trust in any way you can and continue to attend your local small music venues!
Visit and donate to MVT's current GoFundMe fundraiser "Grassroots Music Venue Crisis Fund"